Tuesday, February 27, 2007

New York Times

I analyzed the New York Times Blog, this week, and found it out to be very much different than mine. To start off, a huge difference were the links and organization it had. There were links to main and general topics which are not found in my blog. The links were located on the top bar and made it a lot easier for viewers to find what they're are looking for. It also gave the blog organization. This along with the links are essential conventions that a blog must have. Compared to my blog this one is far more excellent. Mine definitely lacks links making a search engine non existent. There are no specific topics included in my hellokitty blog. Something else that was also evident as a convetion in the New York blog was that there were video clips for every post. Each clip gave a clearer understanding of what was posted. I don't include a video or even an image in everything I post. Including visuals draws the viewer in and makes the subject matter more clear. Another convention that was included is contrast. The background is white with black text. This is one convention that was my blog does have because the background is light pink and the letters are a darker color. One thing that I didn't like about New York Times was the color because it's to plain for my taste. I think that the blog dull and lacks brightness. Color is one thing that there is plenty of in my blog because it's pink, and pink is a happy and brighter color. Something that I would like to add is more personality to mine because it's not customized to my taste and when the audience visits it I want my personality to come across in some way. A big difference is that The New York Times Blog looks like a website more than it does a blog page. Its format is almost exactly to a home page in a website which differs completely from mine. Another thing that I observed was that there were related blogs and websites that were added to the New York Blog spot.

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